Remember: Deadline March 3, 2025
The deadline for the next filing cycle in Nassau County is March 3, 2025.
You can challenge your property taxes every year. Some homeowners have succeeded even after having prior applications denied for several years.
Appealing your assessment each year is the only way to mitigate the financial impact of the constant annual tax rate increases that make living in Nassau County so expensive.So don’t put it off; apply today.
Remember: Deadline March 3, 2025
It is 35% of the amount saved. For example, if we save you $1,000 our fee is $350 and the remaining $650 stays in your pocket instead of going to the government!
Remember: Deadline March 3, 2025
You could immediately see an uptick of interest in your property.
Remember: Deadline March 3, 2025
No. The grievance process does not affect STAR, veterans, senior citizens, clergy or any other exemption you are eligible for. You will continue to receive those benefits.
Remember: Deadline March 3, 2025
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